MISSION: At Mount Greylock Regional School District, our mission is to create a community of learners working together in a safe and challenging learning environment that encourages restorative based processes, respect, inclusive diversity, courtesy, integrity, and responsibility through high expectations and cooperation resulting in life-long learning and personal growth.
Mount Greylock Regional School District
School Committee
Julia Bowen, Chair - jbowen@mgrsd.org
Williamstown - Term Ends 2028
Christina Conry, Vice Chair - cconry@mgrsd.org
Lanesborough - Term Ends 2026
Steven Miller, Secretary - smiller@mgrsd.org
Williamstown - Term Ends 2026
José Constantine - jconstantine@mgrsd.org
Williamstown - Term Ends 2028
Curtis Elfenbein - celfenbein@mgrsd.org
Lanesborough - Term ends 2026
Carrie Greene - cgreene@mgrsd.org
Williamstown - Term Ends 2026
Ursula Maloy - umaloy@mgrsd.org
Lanesborough - Term Ends 2028
Our Meetings are available as video-on-demand within 24 hours after the meeting on MGRSD YouTube channel: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLR0nrLhpZHIyPFUhaMxPSg ) and on willinet.org.